I’m a big believer in the saying “everything happens for a reason.” We might not know what the reasoning is but there is a purpose behind the trials and tribulations that we meet everyday in life. I recently attended the Children’s Hope Dinner. The Children’s Hope Dinner supports Orphan Outreach’s unique programs that provide vulnerable children with basic survival needs and education. While I’m not presently thinking about adopting a child, I know many that are either adopting, thinking about adopting or some people who have currently struggling to conceive a child.
Fast forward a few years ago, my husband and I were trying to get pregnant and it didn’t come easy for us. We ended up going to a fertility doctor and getting prescribed to medicine which resulted in a successful pregnancy. I’m so thankful it was successful but there was a time that made me wonder if my dreams of every becoming a mom would become true. So many thoughts ran through my head about what I would do if we couldn’t get pregnant. All I knew is that I wanted to be a mom whether I delivered one out of my body or become one through adoption.
At the Children’s Hope Dinner, I listened to so many stories about adoption and how big of an impact small deeds can make on somebody’s life without you even realizing. Leigh Anne Tuohhy, the inspiration behind the Academy Award-winning movie, The Blind Side, was the keynote speaker. She told the story in her own words how stopping the car one afternoon to help Michael Oher changed her life and his. Leigh Anne stressed that we should all be doing small acts of kindness because you never know when it will change someone’s live like stopping the car that rainy afternoon. I truly believe that we get stuck in a routine of doing the same things over and over but what if we changed that…
What if we went and volunteered one Saturday afternoon feeding the homeless instead of going to a splurging on an extravagant meal?
What if we stopped and gave change to the homeless man sitting at the corner of the highway?
What if we donated all the change we found throughout the year?
What if we opened the door and smiled at the people coming in to a store behind us?
What if gave an extra 5 minutes of our time to the random lady that wants to tell you her life story?
What if we bought an extra shirt while we were at the mall to donate to a non profit?
What if collected all the free things that are being given away on Facebook to donate to a local charity?
What if we bought the meal for the person behind us in the drive thru?
What if we asked someone how their day was going and actually listened to their response?
I could go on all day about the small things that we could do on a daily basis that could possibly change someone’s life. We get into the mind set thinking that one little act of kindness doesn’t matter but it does. If we all start doing these small acts, they will become greater acts and start changing lives.
While the ultimate goal of the dinner is to help get these sweet children out of orphanages and into homes where people show affection and can provide the every day necessities, it was a great reminder to keep doing these small deeds. These little acts are making a difference and I plead that we all start being more mindful of those around us.
“Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.”
If you have been thinking about adopting or know this is something you want to do in the future, I strongly suggest getting in touch with Orphan Outreach. They are doing amazing things all around the World helping these youth get into great homes and better lives. There are many ways to get involved in helping orphans without having to adopt.
Making a donation, volunteering your time, attending mission trips and praying for the ministries are a few examples of how you can help. For more information, check out their web page and reach out to them directly.
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