The journey of pregnancy is unpredictable. I can’t tell you how many strange things I’ve googled and asked my other pregnant friends about. Sometimes I think I was dying from crazy symptoms only to find out they are completely normal. I think one of the things that baffled me the most is that no one tells you about these symptoms. I assumed my OB would at least give me a heads up or even suggest a specific book to read about pregnancy but I got nothing. I asked my other friends who are pregnant if their doctor ever mentioned any of these crazy symptoms to them and they all say no.
I have to say, my pregnancy has been fairly easy compared to what my friends have been through. Every pregnancy is different and I know that my next pregnancy can be a total shit show. Anytime a crazy symptom happens and I asked my OB about it, she always says its normal and will usually give me more info about what I’m going through and when to start worrying.
Let’s get started with all the gross symptoms that you can experience while pregnant. I hope and pray that you don’t experience all of these but odds are you will experience a handful. A big thank you to all the mommas who helped me put this list together!
Pregnancy Symptoms No One Tells You About
Leaking on yourself.
Cervical mucus (discharge) and lots of of.
Enough acne to make you feel like you are a teenager again.
Bloody noses.
Morning sickness that lasts all day.
Leaky boobs.
Vericose Veins.
Acid Reflux.
Bleeding gums.
Swollen hands and feet.
Crazy, intense dreams.
All the cravings.
Extra body hair in random places.
Constant itching.
Pelvic Pressure.
Tender breasts.
Uncontrollable gas.
Carpal Tunnel.
Night sweats.
Emotional wreck.
Snoring like a freight train.
Heightened sense of smell.
Losing your mucus plug.
Unable to reach your legs to shave.
Pregnancy brain.
Horrific nightmares.
Peeing while throwing up.
Sore ribs from all the baby kicks.
Excessive saliva.
Shooting pains in your vagina.
Darkened areolas.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve loved every second of being pregnant. I’ve been very fortunate throughout my pregnancy with minimal issues. I still find it crazy that these symptoms aren’t talked about more often and why doctors don’t bring up these issues. I’m guessing because all of our bodies are so different and many people won’t experience most of these symptoms so it’s best to be just not mention them at all since they aren’t threatening to the baby at all. If you are having symptoms that are alarming, be sure to bring it up to your OB and see what she has to say about them! It’s better to be safe than sorry.
If I missed out on a crazy symptom that you’ve experienced, leave me a comment or shoot me an email so I can add it to the list!
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