Although Summer time isn’t the only time you should think about your body image, it’s the time that everyone starts panicking and realizing their body isn’t “summer ready.” I work out regularly, at least a few times a week I take a spin class and head to the gym. My eating habits could use some tweaking but overall, I’m not a horrible eater. It seems that no matter how hard I work on my body, there are a few stubborn spots that just won’t go away. It’s hot and I want to wear Summer clothes but those few spots stop me from doing so.
Instead of worrying my self to death about how I’m going to look this year in a bikini, I decided to look into alternatives and caught my attention immediately. I made my appointment for a consultation to talk with the Dr. to see if Coolsculpting was right for me. I had a few questions for the Dr. that helped me understand it all. What is CoolSculpting?
Coolsculpting is a minimally invasive procedure that uses unique technology uses controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate unwanted fat cells without surgery or downtime.
Is Coolsculpting Safe?
Absolutely! The CoolSculpting procedure is the only FDA-cleared, non-surgical fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling to eliminate stubborn fat that resists all efforts through diet and exercise. More than 1.5 million CoolSculpting treatments have been performed in over 70 countries around The procedure is FDA-cleared, safe and effective. (I wouldn’t do something that I thought was unsafe or would harm my body.)
I understand Coolsculpting freezes my fat, but then what happens?
CoolSculpting technology safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target the fat cells underneath the skin. The treated fat cells are crystallized (frozen), then die. Over time, your body naturally processes the fat and eliminates these dead cells, leaving a more sculpted you.
How long is my downtime? I have a busy schedule!
There is NO downtime. Each section that you are getting the CoolSculpting procedure takes about an hour. You are free to leave afterwards and have no restrictions.
When will I start seeing a difference in the areas I had CoolSculpting?
In 3 weeks, you can start to see some changes but the most dramatic results after two months. But your body will still flush out fat cells and continues doing so for up to four to six months after treatment. Your body has to work to naturally process the fat and get rid of the dead cells. You also have to remember that everybody is different so some people might see more noticeable results before others do. Who is the ideal candidate?
The CoolSculpting procedure is not intended as a weight loss program for overweight individuals. The best candidates are people near their ideal body weight with unwanted fat in the stomach, flanks (i.e. love handles) and thighs that has not responded to diet and exercise. Are you ready to make your appointment? Find a
After my Q&A session, I changed into a robe so we could look at my problem areas. I stood in front of a 3 way mirror with the nurse and we went over what I wanted slimmed down. I chose my stomach, love handles and inner thighs for a total of 6 areas. I was extremely happy with my choices and scheduled all of my appointments at my consultation. Do you know what’s really awesome? If I wanted, I could have all 6 spots done in one day! It would take about 6 hours so I broke it up into 3 sessions – one session for my stomach, one for my love handles and one for my inner thighs. During my sessions, I’ll be able to eat, drink, watch TV, work on my computer or do whatever I need to so I won’t be down any type at all!
My first session is in a couple weeks and I’ll be documenting my sessions with before and after pictures. I’m looking forward to the changes that will be happening over the next month and look forward to sharing them with yall!
Looking forward to your results posts! I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while but not sure of its effectiveness.
Can’t wait to learn about results!!
I have myself also been looking into this. I have lost about 180-190 lbs in the course of the last 2years. No surgery just changed my eating habits. But I have been afraid to do any surgery I’m so afraid of going under the knife. I also would like to know how much is this procedure? Hope everything goes good for you.
Congrats on your weight loss! I love hearing stories like yours. I had my Coolsculpting over a month ago and it takes approximately 3 months for results to show. I’m anxious to see the results! The procedure was simple and each section only took an hour. I was able to watch TV / play on my computer during the sessions so they flew by.